Returns and cancellations

To cancel an order that hasn't been shipped yet:
Please click the cancellation link in the order confirmation e-mail. We'll immediately issue a refund. Depending on your payment method, it can take several business days for the refund to show up in your account.

To cancel an order that has been received:
As soon as we ship your order, we'll send you an e-mail confirmation. You can retunr the order until 14 days upon receipt. To cancel, please contact ToyPro customer service and follow the instructions. As soon as we have received your order, we'll inform you and issue a refund. Depending on your payment method, it can take several business days for the refund to show up in your account.

Return address:
The return address is printed on the packaging slip that came with your order. If you lost the packaging slip, please contact us to provide you with a return address.

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